Monday, May 3, 2010

Playing Schoolhouse Games

Yesterday I showed you an interesting quilt I designed in EQ6.  The program has some nifty tools for playing the "what if" game.  I could play that all day and not get anything else done! 


So, once I decided I liked these 9-patch stars as alternate blocks, I thought "what if they are a different color?"  This pale blue looks pretty nice, huh?

Then I took the magic wand to this quilt.  Wait until you see what I found!!


Can you say girly girl?  Can you say dark glasses?!!


Ah, much more soothing.  But, maybe I don't want soothing!


Hey!  If it's purple I'm there!!


Schoolhouses at midnight!  These colors do appeal to me.  Maybe I will experiment a bit with the intensity of the stars.  What do you think?  What's your favorite color combination?


Anonymous said...

If you play with EQ6 all day you will learn about using the program, about using colour, about using fabric .... so what if you change the plain colours to fabrics?

(I know, I am a pushy teacher!)

Judy B

Annie said...

Always interesting how different the same pattern can look when you change the color scheme. I think I like the purple and gold best and washed-out yellows (you can tell my opinion by the epithet) the least.

Orice said...

My favorite is the purple and green because it's so "different". Nice pattern.

Gina E. said...

OMG, I've done my eyes in! You are sure having fun. I don't know which one I like best.