Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Serendipity – Squares It Is

The humble square.  Such a basic shape, but with a little imagination it turns into something pretty amazing!

P9230002This week’s chapter is on Insertions, and the first insertion starts as a square.  If you fold it and stitch and stick it between two triangles or squares, you get this.

P9230003Then it’s a simple matter to open up that triangle to make a diamond!

P9230004Four squares, stitched into diagonal seams on one larger square and you get four diamonds!  Hey, that was pretty quick and easy.  You might think I’d be ready to move on to the next shapes, but that would be too easy.

P9230005No, I need to play with the shapes, and open and fold some more.  Looking much better!  But that center is awfully plain.  Hmmm.

P9230006I have to admit that I spent way too much time futzing with that center piece.  The sensible thing would have been to add horizontal and vertical seams and set them with folded squares.  In fact, the book actually describes doing just that!  But that would have called for a little planning, and where’s the fun in that?

After this, I’m not sure what happened.  I remember pricking my finger.  Maybe I dozed off.  Maybe it was magic.  There are no progress photos, so faerie folk may have been involved.

The next thing I knew, some time had passed.  And wait ‘til you see what I found in front of me . . .

P9230007 And it all began as a bunch of squares!!

I wonder what the faeries will do with triangles?


Annie said...

A little imagination? I'd say you have been blessed with a boatload of imagination! All of these projects are so fabulous.

Vicki W said...

I am loving all of these blocks!

Gina E. said...

Super!! That is so clever.

Anonymous said...

Me thinks you are having way too much fun with squares!

The latest is a beauty.

Judy B