Friday, February 25, 2011

About Those Stars

Just about a year ago now, I started working on blue star blocks.  Does anyone remember?  If not, you can go here, here, and here to refresh your memory.  Go ahead.  I'll wait.  [humming}

I can't believe that I finished that quilt and didn't show you!!!  Especially since I did not make one quilt but two!


About two-thirds of the way through this project, I decided that I don't really want to make full size quilts.  We have two beds (which already have two quilts apiece) and very few relatives who could use quilts.  So I plan to concentrate on lap quilts.  Yes, the decision required some ripping, but I've been doing a lot of that on these stars anyway!

So, with one lap size finished, I had some stars left over.  What to do?  Why, make another quilt, of course!


Hmm.  I think I like this one even better!

And now?  They are in the pile to be backed and quilted.  I notice that pile is not getting any smaller.  Rats!


Gina E. said...

Lap quilts and wall hangings are so much more useful than full bed quilts which you can only use one at a time, whereas the small items you can throw over chairs or tables, or hang them up! (that's my way of thinking anyway)

Anonymous said...

I have made a few lap quilts and look forward o some big ones again, but I use thin wadding so we can use two quilts on each bed ... maybe more in mid winter in my home town. (Not quite as cold where we are now.)

I think I like your leftovers best too, but there are some nice looking blocks in the first.

Judy B