Monday, June 11, 2012

It’s a Question of Hair

Since I’ve finished going through the Fabric Embellishing book, I have a lot of straightening and cleaning to do in the workroom.  In fact, yesterday was spent on hands and knees!  Well, some of the time anyway.

Today, I cleared a space and hauled out the collection of mohair and lamb’s wool.  You see, I have a little lady who is ready for her coiffure.

P6090001Here she is in all her baldness.  Don’t you love those sultry eyes?  But, bald just isn’t quite the look we’re going for.

P6110007Perhaps she will be a brunette,

P6110003or a blonde,

P6110004or even a fiery redhead?

P6110006  Pure white might work,

P6110005or something to match her outfit like this lavendar

P6110002or this wild woman look with brown and fuscia!

I’m going to let her think about it for a few days.  At this point, I don’t know what she will choose.  What do you think?


Anonymous said...


I have scrolled up and down several times and every time the blonde stands out ... no, not as the most beautiful, but as the dumb blonde!

I hope she has more brains than to choose to be a blonde!

Judy B

Annie said...

I'm amazed at how many choices you have in your stash! And I bet that's not the half of it. I love that final punk sort of look. Completely incongruous!

Myron said...

Of course "The Wild Woman" look. Beautiful Dress, Wild Hair, the look in the eyes. Shes got my vote. ;)

Gina E. said...

Yep - the Wild Woman for sure!