Monday, June 30, 2008

Never Trust A Butterfly!

Benny, dear, I've just heard some disturbing news. Some of my friends did not come to the party at Vanessa's this weekend! You DID deliver all the invitations, didn't you?

What do you mean "Most" of them? Oh Benny Butterfly! What is that behind you?

Oh No! Undelivered invitations! My goodness, this is catastrophic! I'm simply appalled to think that someone did not get their invitation. They will think I forgot them!

What can I do, what can I do? I must ring Auntie right away to see if she has heard from anyone. They do confide in her, you know. Oh dear, oh dear.

Those butterflies! They are so easily distracted by a flashy flower! So . . . well . . . flighty!

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