Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Whacking Good Time

OK, that's a really sad title.  I know.  Sorry.  I'm working on a Stack and Whack quilt and having a hard time coming up with anything else to call it.  But I am having a lot of fun sewing these blocks!

So the story is . . . I am taking a class at a local quilt shop.  For the first session, we learned to lay out our fabric (stack) and cut the pieces (whack).  Here is a picture of some of the blocks about half way through the first day.

classLots of different fabrics, even for a small class.   Some real surprises when you get the pieces stitched together.  These are octagons, made from 45 degree triangles. 

Here is the fabric I chose, before cutting.  A Michael Miller design - and pretty flashy on it's own I'd say.


And here are just some of the blocks pinned on my design wall.  The most fun is turning it over after pressing that last seam - and seeing what the kaleidoscope created!


The next session will be adding corners to these blocks and assembling blocks and a border.   The teacher and I had a ball picking out fabrics.  If you know how much I like bright colors, you can guess that I did not choose anything - er - subdued!


In fact, I doubt anyone will be able to sleep beneath this quilt when it is finished.  It's gonna be a bright one.  Just wait 'til you see!

I need to choose a name for this quilt.  Something like "Awake All Night" ???  What do you think?


Vicki W said...

You picked a perfect fabric! You will get so many different blocks from that one.

Anonymous said...

It could be "The Whackier the Better" sorry best I could do .
best wishes Judith

Nellie's Needles said...

I see a fabulous quilt in the making!

Kay said...

This does look fun! I'll be waiting to see those bright pieces in the spaces.