Sunday, February 24, 2013

Serendipity Sunday–Windows

Today’s chapter is about cathedral windows.  I remember making a cw pillow once – back in the ‘70’s I think.  Pretty straightforward technique, but not like Jennie Rayment’s version.  She does like complexity!


I had a bit of a struggle getting it right at first!  Of course, I did not follow the measurements in the book.  I mean – a square is a square – right?  I just cut the biggest one that would fit from the fabric I had in front of me.  Of course, by being too lazy to dig out another piece of fabric, I ended up working twice as long and hard to get the first one done!  I even resorted to using a calculator – gasp!


Aaah – that’s better!  I think I’ve figured it out now.  At least it looks more like the illustration in the book – not to mention lying flat!


Here’s the final result.  Now I like that!  A small bead or button in the center and it has definite possibilities.  Feeling pretty proud of myself, I decided to go on to the next section.


Oh no!  This one involves geometry!  Gulp!  But I persevered . . .


Rectangles are a wee bit more challenging – especially since I went for a much smaller size.  Sorry this photo is blurry, but I think you can see sort of how it turned out.  And – because I apparently like torturing myself – I made four of them!!


Pretty cool, huh?  Hmmmm.  I think I see another pillow in my future!


Gina E. said...

How clever is this! Makes my CD look like child's play. Did you like it?

Kay said...

Wow! So much prettier than an ordinary Cathedral Window! Planning to make lots of them? :) They do get easier, you know.