Sunday, January 12, 2014

One Word -- Explore

Many artists and crafters (and others I’m sure, but these are the ones I see) like to select one word as a touchstone for the year.  I like the idea, but it can be tricky to find a word that can apply to a whole year.  I mean, I have an attention span of about 5 minutes, so a year is FOR.EV.ER!

Nevertheless, I gave it some thought.  Based on my decision to reduce my stash, I considered words like “Green” or “Recycle.”  They don’t seem inspiring, though.  I ‘tried on’ some generic words – Dream, Create, Focus, Love – nothing rings my bell.

Then I received an ad for the 2014 Art Journal Caravan and the right word came to me.


I had to join the Caravan right then and there!  If you’re not familiar with AJC, it’s a combination online class, journaling group, and community hosted by Tangie Baxter at (SBG).  She provides journaling prompts, collage elements, and guidance for a year of creative experiences.


This is the first journal page I created.  I chose this word because I want 2014 to be a year of exploring new experiences, learning new skills, and exploring new ways to do ‘old’ things – like using up a stash!  This can apply to many aspects of my life, not just the creativity.

This week, my explorations led me into the mechanics of navigating the SBG forums and uploading pictures, as well as an introduction into digital journaling.  Well, visual journaling anyway, since blogging is definitely a form of journaling!  At first it was quite a maze, but I am finding my way and can’t wait to continue.

naturedoesnothurry-orig 865X577

Today’s page.  A reminder to take a breath and enjoy the journey.

Page credits

Explore:  map fragment, hot air balloon, book courtesy of; all other elements, courtesy of tangie baxter

Nature does not hurry: Snowflake background = rubber stamp on painted paper; Quote, gold splatter, foreground tree = tangiebaxter, Art Journal Caravan January ’14 Collection; Background trees = Death to Stock Photos, Cozy collection; Bird silhouettes = courtesy of vectorolie/

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

Another thing I've been seeing on blogs - finding one word to stimulate your creative muse...wot??? As far as I've seen, you've been "exploring" ever since I started reading your blog a few years ago! All this soul searching that bloggers seem to do reminds me of businesses who fiddle around with mission statements. For goodness sake, just get on with the work!
But if it serves a purpose for you to have Explore as your word for the year, go for it!