On my January 11 post (here), I mentioned I've made some personal goals for this year - mainly to get caught up on things I planned to do and never finished! One of those was to finish (or actually start properly!) an online class on making Hats. I signed up a couple of years ago and, although I have made a few hats, I have never gone through the course in proper order!
So the first hat is a simple pillbox hat. I chose a satin fabric so I could practice mulling. Mulling is using felt or padding to cover the edges so wiring and stitches do not show. Is is supposed to help insure the outer fabric is smooth. Well, I suppose it did help - if you don't look too close! The hat model is my friend Haggard Hattie. I introduced her a couple of months ago so no need to show her face this time.
Lots of new projects on the list, but for today I am recovering from a trip to the dentist. It's the pits when life gets in the way of sewing!
A clever idea and noble goal. Hattie is a good model for hats.
You're very ambitious! I used to make fleece hats to sell and did a bit of reading about "real" hats. Way beyond me! I have a book still; if you're interested, email me :)
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