Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday WOW - March 16

I had a really productive day today.  My goodness, it seems like a long time since I was able to say that!


I started out with a goal of working on two projects:  the Comfort and Joy block of the month, and my Country Calendar quilt.


And I finished both of them!  Woohoo!  Well, the BOM was just one  month's worth, but these are complex blocks with piecing and applique.  And I got everything cut out and fused yesterday.


Isn't he a cute guy?  I can't wait to show you the next block.  Also, I will be showing off the Country Calendar soon - never fear!

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

Congratulations on getting so much done! This hanging is so cute, and I love the log cabin blocks. I REALLY WANT to do just one of those blocks one day! I've got heaps of patterns to go by, it is just a matter of choosing the fabrics and getting down to business. One day.