Yup, it's that time again. My how time flies! I've been pretty busy in the workshop this week so hope to have some fun things to show you shortly. So, the sooner we get this review over, the sooner I can get back to work!
Remember, these are according to the revised goals. Here is how the last six-weeks have been, goal-wise:
Goal 1: Use my "stash" and develop my creativity.
Well I'm not trying to downsize my stash (a good thing!) but I have been thinking more in terms of using what I have this period. And I have been trying lots of new techniques. My Meow quilt was one of the major projects. All but the backing was from stash and I certainly learned a lot about piecing a
nd quilting. Got another quilt off the pinning table yesterday, so stay tuned for that. I am also having a blast learning to use my new sewing machine and the BSR!! This has been an easy goal!
Goal 2: Take It Further challenge.
Just because I haven't posted a finished piece does not mean I'm not working on it! I'm just a little behind! OK, more than a little.
But August is all hand embroidery and that does take longer, ya know? Especially as I don't seem to be very good at sitting down to just hold a needle! When I sit in the evening, it's either at the computer or in front of the TV. The old eyes aren't good enough to stitch and see television at the same time any more. Bummer! But enough about me! September is ready to start stitching and it should go faster. Can't wait to start 'cause it will be freehand machining. Woohoo!
Goal 3: Make Dolls.
Right! Has this one ever been a problem? I'm working on a swap and a challenge right now, so can't show any pictures just yet. Club is next
weekend and then I should have something doll-ish to show. I did get the news that my Hoffman doll has won an award and she will travel this year. Last year's doll came home this week and she will tell us all about her adventures after she's had a chance to rest!
Goal 4: Classes and groups.
Classes - let's see. I have finished the Studio Journals class and am still working in the journal . . . er - intermittently. I'm not quite at the daily entry level (actually, not even close!), but it's been very useful for working out design ideas. I have September's TIF all laid out and sketched and ready to start stitching - oh, any day now! Sue Bleiweiss is starting another Journal Making class this month and I will have to sign up for that. The last class was great!!
As for Groups! That Stitchin' Fingers group is keeping me busy. A couple of swaps, a challenge, and loads of ideas and discussion. I can't wait to log in every day to see what's new! I'm really enjoying doll club, too. At least at this time. You see, I was just shanghaied convinced to be President for the next two years. I think I'm up for it, but have to admit to a small case of j-j-j-jitters with my first official meeting coming up!
Goal 5: Review.
Phew! That's over with and I'm ready to get on with the next six weeks. This period's review was a couple of days late, but I'm counting this as still in the week of . . . . Next review will be week of October 21.