Monday, October 8, 2012

Wednesday WOW - October 3

If all goes as planned, you are reading this on Wednesday while I am in Des Moines attending the AQS Quilt Show.  I didn't want to leave you stranded, though, so I wrote this post ahead of time and scheduled it to post Wednesday.  If all goes as planned . . . . . . .

[Apparently nothing went as planned!  Ah well.  This way you get an extra post or two.  And I go back to learning how to Schedule!!]

It's about time I caught you up on my postcard swaps!  In fact, as I look through this year's posts I don't find any postcard pics.  Huh!

To begin with, I joined a birthday swap.  There are about a dozen of us in the swap and this is just a few of the ones I received for my birthday in February.

And these are a few of the ones I've sent out so far.  I wish I could show them all to you and tell you who they went to/came from, but that was months ago, and gosh, I can't remember what I did last week!

In July, the theme was "Hats and/or Purses".  I embroidered the silhouette in the top photo, and got these cool origami folded shapes from my partner.

The August theme was "Weather."  That one was interesting because the swappers come from all over the world and everyone's feelings about their weather was different!  Being in the middle of the USA, I made a hot, hot, hot sun!  My partner was from England, however, where they have had too much rain.  Can't you almost hear the rain beating against the window?

That doesn't cover all the postcards from the past nine months, but it is a fair representation.  Every one is I make is a small challenge and every one I receive is a cherished momento! 

Next week we should be back on schedule.  See you then!

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

Every time I see the postcards that you and my other bloggy friends are exchanging, I wish I was still doing it - these are all lovely! But I just don't have the time. I've fallen three months behind with my Crazy Quilt Challenge blocks, so there is no way I'd be keeping up with postcard exchanges!