Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Goals Review March 25

Time for another review of my 2008 goals. I can't believe six weeks have gone by already. In another week it will be April. Oh, oh! Goodbye Winter!!!

If you are a new reader, you can read more about the goals here. The first review was on February 12.

Goal #1: Participate in the Take It Further challenge

How am I doing: Good! I have done at least one piece each month. A second piece for March is almost ready for posting.

Lessons Learned: I think I am developing a reliable process. I’ve started using a sketch book/journal to work through my initial thoughts and that is really helpful.

Next Step: New challenge April 1.

Goal #2: Participate in the Stargaze Tome group’s Tome Page-A-Month project

How am I doing: Keeping up so far. Three months and three pages posted (look for keyword Tome).

Lessons Learned: Still having trouble turning the page after stitching front and back together. I suppose it needs more patience – not my strong point!

Next Step: April page is about painting fabrics.

Goal #3: Complete the Hatmaking class I took four (!) years ago

How am I doing: March’s hat is started – there’s probably three good working days left this month. I should still be on track.

Lessons Learned: Still being kind of conservative. I’m hoping next couple of months will be more daring.

Next Step: I think I will start April’s hat right away while I have some momentum up.

Goal #4: Use a book or tool to explore new techniques or refine un-mastered skills – preferably incorporated with the other goals – at least once a month

How am I doing: I’ve had several books out trying to pick what to do next. I’ve used fabric folding and explored stitches on my sewing machine. I completed an on-line class on new embroidery techniques and have signed up for a Journal making class next month. Learned to make postcards and padfolios. I think it probably comes out to more than once a month.

Lessons Learned: Picked up some new design skills and how to plan a piece a little better. Still need to work on that – some pieces really need to go down first!

Next Step: I have some quilt rulers and templates to try. Still lots of books, too!

Goal #5: Keep doll making as a focus for my creativity

How am I doing: Doing better here. I have two dolls in the works and have posted about one of them already.

Lessons Learned: I believe my stuffing has improved. I blogged about that here.

Next Step: I will be teaching about puppets at the next doll club meeting. Iris is also a doll for club so she has a deadline next month. Pictures should be available soon.

Goal #6: Enter the Hoffman Challenge – and any other appropriate challenge as they come up

How am I doing: Well, I have my Hoffman fabric now and a pretty firm picture in my head. Still have not started to actually work in fabric. Haven’t seen any other challenges since February.

Lessons Learned: Sometimes I drag my feet. Oh wait! That shouldn’t count as something I’ve learned – I’ve been that way for my whole life! How about this: sometimes I need to contemplate a design longer before getting started.

Next Step: I will get going on this soon. Need to clear the decks a little bit first.

Goal #7: Review the above 6 goals every 6-weeks and blog about my progress

How am I doing: So far, so good.

Lessons Learned: I like keeping busy, but with six goals I need to be pretty organized, too.

Next Step: Next review will be May 6.


Anonymous said...

This is a good way to review your goals - I am a lot more haphazard...its good you are keeping on track so far (you are doing better than me, but I think i was overly ambitious- as usual)

Jacq said...

I'm impressed, you have such definite goals and you are meeting them. WOW
Looking forward to the jounal making class, glad you will be in it.