Sunday, February 12, 2012

Starry Sunday

Today was all about sparkle!


To be more specific . . . glitter!  This is really a quick and easy way to add some shine to fabric.  I used Beacon’s 3 in 1 glue to “paint” an area of fabric and then poured some extra fine glitter on it.  When I poured the glitter off, it left a nice thin layer behind.


I used some yellow and some red to emphasize portions of the flowers.  I get a fine glitter made for candle-making from Rustic Essentials but you could use regular craft glitter or cosmetic glitter. 


The really fine stuff seems to work best.  I usually mix it with a little varnish and paint it on, but this time I did the painting with glue first.


Of course, with the really fine stuff, you are going to get glitter on yourself!  In fact, just opening the container tends to disperse glitter all around me!   I swear.  It’s not safe to leave me alone with glue and glitter!

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