Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday WOW–October 17

This is a revolting development.  You see, we have a new computer.  At one time I was really good at computers – even had a Microsoft certification to prove it!  But that was a long time ago.  Things have changed. 

I’ve spent most of the past three days loading and tweaking software, trying to make everything that worked before do that. . . . work!  Thought I was doing pretty well, too.  Until tonight, that is.

My camera has eight – count ‘em, eight! – photos that I was all set to share with you today.  And while the computer recognizes there is a camera out there, it insists there are no files on it.  Sigh.

So, I will have to regroup.  Sit back and give this a bit more thought.  Don’t worry – I’m not giving up easily.  Those photos WILL show themselves and do my bidding!  Some day.

When that happens, I’ll be right back here to show you what I’ve been up to.  When I’m not cursing the computer, that is!


Annie said...

Technology...can't live with it and can't live without it. And don't think I didn't catch the Life of Riley reference!

Anonymous said...


I have recently practiced swearing in a similar situation ... would you like a comprehensive list of words, slightly used?

Make that over used, and even transmitted via email will arrive your end very dog eared and coffee stained.

Judy B