Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday WOW–January 16

Another Wednesday . . . another day spent stitching.  I really like those kinds of days!


I was able to finish this section of the purple project.  I’m liking those purple spikes!  It’s a good thing I do, because there are lots and lots of them!  LOL!


I got started on the next section as well.  This one has 21 spikes and background pieces!  I think it’s going to take a looooong time to finish.  And then one more section before I’m ready to start assembling sections.  That makes for a lot of Wednesdays.

You’re going to be seeing an awful lot of purple-project-posts!

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

I don't see any complaints from your readers about more purple - I love that colour too! Those spikes are looking fabulous...what is that going to be? I'm reminded of photos that I've seen of quilts with that design used.
Got your email regarding a swap - thanks Liz! What would you like me to make for you?