Um. That might be misleading. This is not the last Goal Review, but at the end - when I post new goals - those will be the last ones for this year! Oh my goodness! Where has the time gone?
The past six weeks have really been busy. If you remember the last review, I only set five goals this time because I was going to be on a week-long trip. I didn't do quite as well as I wanted on my goals, but then not too badly either. Let's see how I did, shall we?
1. TIF again. High priority this time. DONE!
At last! This has to be the biggest/longest project I've ever done. It was very educational and inspirational, but really stretched my patience! I am not exactly the long-term project type. So you could say I am pretty proud of having stuck with it and completed this project. Go here to see my post about finishing, and select TIF under the labels to see all the posts!
2. Begin working on challenges for quilt guild and doll
club (both due in November). Done.
Since they are both WIPs, I count this goal complete - even though the projects are not. Confused yet?! Well, the quilt guild project is probably 80% competed. I can't wait to show you, but we should wait for the guild "unveiling." Next month, I promise.
3. Play catch up on the Block of the Month embroideries. Done.
Of course this won't be completely done until the end of the year. But I am caught up through October and I call that good! I showed you some of these here.
4. Do at least one Stargaze Tome page. Nothing.
Oops! I guess this wasn't very high on my list. I've had the front side of the page done for quite awhile, but can't seem to find time for the back. I have lots of fun with these pages, so I will get to it eventually. Hmm. I had forgotten what the front looks like - maybe I'll get to it soon!
5. Work on Christmas wall hanging. Sorta done.
Well, I did do some work on it! And that was all the goal said. If you count choosing a backing and pin basting the quilt sandwich as progress, then I am progressing! This will probably move up on the priority list soon. It's almost November after all!
You see? I am learning to be careful how I word the goals. That way I can count accomplishments even when the project is still on the worktable! Cheating? Who me?
OK. I know I can't list wishy-washy goals this time. Not when these are the last goals for 2009. Of course, I realize there are more than six weeks left in the year. I will be using the month of December to review the year's goals and how the process worked. Along with enjoying the holidays, of course!
So! Here's my plan for October 24 through December 4:
- Christmas projects
- Finish challenge pieces for quilt guild and doll club
- Attach binding to finished quilts (3 so far, maybe more)
- Practice free-motion quilting
- Learn to use some PhotoShop features
- Christmas projects
After the above paragraph on vaguely worded goals, perhaps I need to be a little more specific. (Ya think?) How about I will spend at least one hour learning PhotoShop on five occasions. (It's PS Elements, by the way.)
And, no, I did not make a mistake by listing Christmas projects twice. I haven't decided all the projects yet, so that has to be part of the goal. And I'm expecting whatever I decide on will take quite a bit of my time. So goal 1 is to get them all lined out and started and goal 6 is to finish them in time to give. Or something like that. There's that vague thing again!
I'll try not to be vague when I do the review. See you on December 4.
You are always so clear and do summarizations, goals and explanations. Your blog would make a nice book too. An inspiration for the rest of us.
If you don't have a dream, how ya gonna have a dream come true? ... Oscar Hammerstein.
Quite a list. Hope you can make it through!
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