Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday WOW–March 27

Wednesday again and I’m back to the purple project.


I spent ALL DAY stitching these curved seams.  It was slow and tortuous!  For the longest time the stack of pieces left to stitch didn’t seem to be getting any smaller.  I could see my future stitching on and on forever!  Well, I think I would actually like to stitch forever – just not on curved seams!


When I finally did get them all stitched, it did not look like something that would eventually lie flat and go together with any kind of order.  Luckily, a little quality time spent with the iron made a world of difference.


That’s much better.  I had just enough time (and energy) left to do a trial seam for the next step.


It’s still a curved seam, but being a larger circumference, it is not quite as fiddly to stitch.  You probably know I don’t do fiddly very well!  Nevertheless, I believe I’ve done enough curved seams for one day! 

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

Oh LIZ! They look fantastic!!!